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鲨鱼杀手BD中字 共88分钟加载中...
主演:德雷克·迪勒  艾瑞卡·塞拉  阿诺德·沃斯洛  格兰特·斯旺比      
类型:动作片 惊悚  动作  
导演:Sheldon  Wilson      
介绍:The services of shark killer Ace Hunter have been engaged by his brother Jake, the head of a West Coast crime ring. The gig: kill the black-finned shark that swallowed a valuable diamond during a gang transaction. Enlisted to keep an eye on Ace is Jake's girlfriend, Jasmine. But Ace and Jasmine's relationship deepens with the threats from a rival crime boss: bring the diamond to him or die. Soon, loyalties will shift, and Ace will learn that trusting in blood is for suckers. Now, it's crime boss against crime boss, brother against brother, and man against nature, as Ace strives to rescue Jasmine, save his own life, and track down the great black-finned shark that will be the greatest challenge of his career. 服务的鲨鱼杀手Ace猎人一直由他的弟弟杰克,西海岸的犯罪团伙。演出:杀死black-finned鲨吞了一个有价值的钻石在帮派事务。招募留意Ace是杰克的女朋友,茉莉花。但Ace和茉莉花的关系加深与来自竞争对手的威胁犯罪老板:把钻石或死亡。很快,忠诚将Ace将学习,相信血是津津乐道。现在,它是针对犯罪的犯罪老板老板,哥哥对弟弟,和人与自然,作为王牌努力营救茉莉花,拯救自己的生命,追踪大black-finned鲨鱼那将是他职业生涯最大的挑战。
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